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2019-08-05 14:32:30
首先差评中的feedback,一般你只要在后台request removal基本上系统都可以直接帮你删掉,因为大多数的feedback是关于产品的一些问题,亚马逊系统很快就能够识别删除掉

首先差评中的feedback,一般你只要在后台request removal基本上系统都可以直接帮你删掉,因为大多数的feedback是关于产品的一些问题,亚马逊系统很快就能够识别删除掉


现在的删差评的技术手段,基本都是用大量的买家号report abuse你的这一条差评,然后被亚马逊机器识别移除掉,但是买家号资质高的,review权重高的,review存活时间越久的,难度系数越大

然后再者就是在差评链接中comment 中大量插入URL,让机器识别这一条review异常,自动移除



ASIN or ISBN of the product:
Title of the review:
The name of the reviewer:
The date of the review as it appears on our website:
The direct link to the review /post (click the Comments link after the review, and copy/paste the URL that displays in your web browser:
Required action:


Ive read the review titled"XXXXXXXXXX"for the“products XXXXXX”

I understand your concerns, but the review doesnt violate our posted guidelines, so Im unable to remove it in its current format.

We try to encourage our customers to give their honest opinions on our products while staying within our guidelines. As a retailer we are interested in cultivating a diversity of opinion on our products. Part of that is allowing our customers to air their honest thoughts on items they have received. Heres a link to our guidelines for reference:


We appreciate your understanding. We hope to see you again soon.
Wed appreciate your feedback. Please use the buttons below to vote about your experience today.

Best regards,




Wed be happy to research the situation with the review you are reporting, but unfortunately I couldnt find the review based on the information in your message.

At your convenience, please send us direct links to the reviews by clicking the "Comments" link after the review, and copy/pasting the URL that displays in your web browser.


We look forward to hearing from you.
Wed appreciate your feedback. Please use the buttons below to vote about your experience today.

Best regards,

关于这句话的理解:please send us direct links to the reviews by clicking the "Comments" link after the review, and copy/pasting the URL that displays in your web browser.




Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

I understand that your concern is regarding review removal and account deletion. Please do not worry I will surely help you in this regard.

First of all I appreciate the time taken by you to letting us know about it. This shows your commitment towards customer Service.

Please be informed that I have personally filled your Review Removal form and have forwarded your contact to the team that owns Customer Reviews.

Please note that the team that owns this feature doesnt use the case system. So your case will appear closed in Seller Central.

This team will work on the review and review will remove from the detail page. If this team needs additional information to complete their investigation, they will reach out to you directly.

I hope the information I have provided proves helpful. If there is anything else we can do to make things easier for you and to salvage what has up to now been a valued relationship, please let us know.

We wish you all the best in all of your future online sales.

Have a great day! 

To help us continually improve, we ask that you take a moment to complete our survey below to tell us about your experience with this specific interaction.

Were you satisfied with the support provided?

1,请大家仔细品味这一句话:Please note that the team that owns this feature doesnt use the case system. So your case will appear closed in Seller Central.




Promotions and Commercial Solicitations
In order to preserve the integrity of Community content, content and activities consisting of advertising, promotion, or solicitation (whether direct or indirect) is not allowed, including:

Creating, modifying, or posting content regarding your (or your relatives, close friends, business associates, or employers) products or services.

Creating, modifying, or posting content regarding your competitors products or services.

Creating, modifying, or posting content in exchange for compensation of any kind (including free or discounted products, refunds, or reimbursements) or on behalf of anyone else.

Offering compensation or requesting compensation (including free or discounted products) in exchange for creating, modifying, or posting content.

Posting advertisements or solicitations, including URLs with referrer tags or affiliate codes.

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For some types of content, including Customer Reviews and Customer Answers, you can report possible violations of these Guidelines by clicking the "Report abuse" link near the content and entering the reason you believe it violates these Guidelines. If no "Report abuse" link is available, you may email community-help@amazon.com, specifying the location of the content and the reason you believe it violates these Guidelines. If you receive an offer for compensation of any kind (including free or discounted products, refunds, or reimbursements) in exchange for creating, modifying, or posting content in violation of these Guidelines, forward the offer, including contact information and Amazon listing, to community-help@amazon.com

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